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Engage, Debate, Lead: Your diplomatic journey begins here

17th & 18th November, 2023

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At New Millennium School, Bahrain, we believe in shaping future leaders, and the New Millennium Model United Nations (NMMUN) Conference is where this transformation begins.
a sand clock drawing

Zeroth Hour: Breaking the Silence

Many of us are acutely aware of the social challenges that afflict our society, significantly impacting the quality of life for people worldwide. These issues demand our attention, and while there's much we can do to address them, both as a global community and as individuals, progress often seems to be postponed.

For instance, the pandemic has frequently been used as a convenient excuse by numerous governments to justify their failure to effectively pursue the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), even though inadequacies in addressing these issues existed long before the pandemic emerged.

This situation is symbolically referred to as "Zeroth Hour," carrying a dual meaning. It signifies the pressing nature of the problems we face, emphasizing the limited time available to find solutions. Additionally, it alludes to the military term "zero-hour," denoting the moment when a planned operation commences. This metaphor underscores that delaying action on these critical concerns only compounds the irreversible damage they cause. We, as humans, find ourselves in a precarious position where time is running out, and it's imperative that we break this cycle of inaction as we approach our own "zeroth hour."

Discover Diplomacy Embrace Change

The NMMUN Conference isn't just an event; it's an opportunity to explore the complexities of global diplomacy. Here, you'll step into the shoes of world leaders, debate critical global issues, and draft resolutions to make a real impact.

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conference in session

Why Join Us:

  • Educational Experience: Gain an in-depth understanding of global affairs and the art of international diplomacy.
  • Personal Growth: Develop leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills essential for your future.
  • Global Network: Connect with like-minded peers who share your passion for global change.
  • Fun and Fulfillment: Enjoy an intellectually stimulating, fun-filled day leaving you with a sense of accomplishment.




Ready to start your diplomatic journey?
